VETTX University

learn from the best

Master buying from the Private Party.

Dive into the VETTX University and learn some of the best practices that successful dealers use nationwide to keep their lots stocked with inventory year round.

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Start buying more cars off the street right away with VETTX Universities best practices and tips and tricks.

Chapter Overview


The Foundation

Anything worth building always starts with the foundation. In this chapter we will cover how to establish the right process, laying the groundwork and what personnel to assign.


Sourcing Cars

Sourcing the vehicles is the lifeblood that makes buying cars off the street a reality. We will discuss the importance of a CRM and some best practices to implement in your strategy.


Buying Cars

Once the vehicles are sourced we want to set you up for success actually closing these deals. In this chapter we will cover the necessary mindset, three steps to a purchase and how to handle objections and follow up.


Key Practices

Once your team has all the basics in place it's time to go over the details and refine the process. We will give you some advanced tips like adding Dealer Trade Drivers to the mix, how to pay your people, example phone calls and most importantly how to scale this operation over time.

The Lessons

What is VETTX?

VETTX is a disruptive software platform designed to transform the way dealerships acquire used vehicles. It empowers dealers to source and purchase cars directly from private sellers, tapping into a lucrative market. With VETTX, you can scale your inventory acquisition efforts and boost profitability.

How does it work?

VETTX utilizes cutting-edge technology, including AI-driven data enrichment, automation, and machine learning to streamline the vehicle acquisition process. It aggregates listings from multiple online marketplaces, identifies potential leads, enriches data, and allows you to connect with sellers efficiently. Our platform guides you through each step, making it easy to source vehicles directly from private sellers.

How much does it cost?

VETTX offers custom pricing options tailored to your dealership's needs. We understand every dealership is built differently and our pricing plans align with that. All you have to do is enter your email HERE for a free market quote.

Does VETTX do the actual seller outreach?

No, over the years we found that the most successful dealerships typically have at least one in-house buyer that is dedicated to buying cars from private sellers. VETTX maximizes buying efforts and multiplies results.

How does VETTX compare to other methods?

HERE is a good breakdown of our tool vs. our competition. If you take a look you’ll notice that almost everything we offer in terms of features, technology, resources, and support, our competition doesn't.

What if i'm already using a different tool?

It’s actually a really good thing. A few of our top-performing dealers are very aggressive and use multiple tools such as KBB ICO. VETTX and private party acquisition should be a large part of your vehicle acquisition strategy, but not the entire thing.

How many cars can I expect to buy?

Every dealership is different if you WATCH THIS VIDEO you can see some of our clients are buying upwards of 250 cars every month. Can we guarantee that for you? No, but what we can guarantee is that whatever time, energy, and resources you are currently deploying the results will be multiplied.

What if i’ve never bought cars off the street before?

You’ve come to the right place because we have some of the best-used car buyers in the country on our customer success team that will give you our step by step blueprint on how to turn your dealership into a car-buying machine. 

See it in Action

Discover how VETTX can supercharge your vehicle buying center. Schedule a free strategy call with our experts today and take the first step towards dominating your market.

2019 Toyota Tacoma sold with over $4000 ROI